Saving for a house deposit? Make your money work for you! Instead of letting your savings sit idle, you can take advantage of high-interest savings accounts to earn interest while you build your deposit.
I’ve come across an amazing free resource that keeps track of which banks offer the best interest rates on savings accounts. It’s a comprehensive, up-to-date leaderboard that compares rates across multiple lenders—so you can ensure you’re getting the best return on your savings.
Check it out here:
A higher interest rate means your savings grow faster, bringing you one step closer to your home-buying goal. At Noma Finance, we help first-home buyers make smart financial decisions, and choosing the right savings account is a great way to boost your deposit sooner.
If you’re planning to buy in the near future and want guidance on how much you’ll need or how to structure your finances, reach out to us at Noma Finance—we’re here to help!
This is the link to the resource we recommend -
At Noma Finance, we believe that financial wellbeing is essential to achieving a balanced and fulfilling life. That’s why we’ve put together this guide to help you create a vision board that captures your aspirations and focuses on your financial goals for the new year.